Thursday, September 14, 2023


 Mzimba is one of the Districts with high population of people emigrating to seek jobs. 

According to Inkosi Yamakhosi M'mbelwa (V), most of the people that migrate to other countries are women and the youths aged between 15 and 25, being desperate to go to other countries they end up using uncharted routes and without legal documents. 

"Most of the youth migrate to other countries more especially to south Africa without proper documents where they end up being abused in the way by the transporters and they also face hardship as they live in fear," said M'mbelwa.

          Inkosi Yamakhosi M'mbelwa (V)

Another member, Mr Moses Mkandawire shared concerns in issues of human trafficking were recent cases of women found desperate in Zambia and Dubai in jobs they were not promised.

"Most women end up being abused because they are trapped in situation which they cannot run away after being promised attractive money and job," he said.

A 2017 Malawi News agency article quoted data from M'mbelwa District council indicating that atleast 25 people in a day seek travel documents from the council to leave the country.


  1. People are suffering the pandemic of unemployment in this world

  2. This is sad news for Malawi that we are losing our energetic young men & women to other countries.

  3. The unemployment rate keeps increasing in Malawi and it's dragging the country down....... It's sad news

  4. This is so pathetic

  5. Our government should create lots of job opportunities among youths to keep them from going to other countries..... ..

  6. Looking for Green pastures turning into traps, not nice

  7. The government has to think of create more jobs to void such circumstances.

  8. Lack of job opportunities offered to youths by the government is the one of leading factor to this catastrophe. It is the duty of the government to create favorable environment that can boost the economy of its citizens.

  9. Grass is green on the other side. Till you get there, and see for yourself.!! Home is best.!

  10. That is a very bad practice, the societies need ways to eradiate this

  11. These are fruits of unemployment and poverty. It is very sad to know

  12. Thats the problem we have in Malawi we lobby for minimun wage instead of living wage

  13. This is bad. We can say it is because of lack of employment opportunities in our country but also its because we as citizens we are not creative enough. As we are asking the government to create more job opportunities let us take an initiative to start some businesses. To go to South Africa there is need for transport, passport some are even paying transporters alot of money to take them there . If this money can be combined someone can be able to start a small scale business. Hence some of problems will be solved without encountering any sort of abuse.

  14. The problem is most Of the youths are lack of job opportunities which makes most of the youths migrate that maybe they can find a living But if the government can provide more jobs to youths maybe this can come to an end

  15. The main thing that causes young, energetic and development contributing people in mzimba district to migrate to other countries especially South Africa is unemployment. They do so because it is their thought that by doing so their problems will be resolved but that end up being a failure hence they indulge in risky decisions

  16. It is very painful to hear that our fellow Malawians are in troubles outside the country due to failure of our government to offer them jobs. May government do something to rescue our fellow brothers and sisters who are in a such unpleasant situation outside.

  17. The government should consider the youths by creating opportunities which will help youths to acquire skills which will help them later to stand independently and produce things which are productive hence helping them in their daily living

  18. This is really true and almost everyday we hear such stories but whats really important is to never give up if you cant find a job look for something which you good at and invest in that thing so that at the end of the day you find a little something and also lets not be so desperate about something coz we might end up into a bad situation always remember God knows each and every corner of your life and he can never let your hard work go to waste

  19. The solution is only and only fixing our economy so that citizens can employment opportunities

  20. The reason is that most of the youth in our country are unemployed and some of then they are well qualified. I think if the government can manage to gives us a loan it can reduce the number of migration of the youth .

  21. Unemployment is the major reason 😔



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